Thursday, 3 March 2016

Juicy Blackcurrants.... mmmmmmm

Blackcurrants can REDUCE risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and Parkinson’s disease

THEY'RE a humble berry growing in hedgerows up and down the country but did you know blackcurrants could be the secret to a healthier life?

By Felicity Thistlethwaite

Blackcurrants are a superfood
GETTY-Blackcurrants don't get the praise they deserve, and they could be saving lives
Usually associated with drinks or summer pudding, blackcurrants don't get enough high-fives for all the great work they do.

Packed with vitamin C they should really be labelled as a super food - but we all know that branding doesn't really mean anything anyway.

But news scientists in Finland have discovered berries such as blackcurrants may be linked to reducing risk factors associated diabetes.

If we're being technical the berries are actually linked to reducing the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrom -  which is the medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. 
Berries in a pot
GETTY-It's thought dark berries could work wonders when it comes to various ailments
The study found those who incorporated berries into their diet significantly reduced the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALAT) – high levels of ALAT usually indicate a damaged liver.

The 23 per cent decrease in the ALAT value in the berry group showed significant signs of enhancing liver function.

In the long term, this reduction could contribute to a decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease - which is a win-win situation.

The juices in berries also affect the enzymes that regulate the so-called ‘happy chemicals’ serotonin and dopamine in our bodies.

Researchers at Northumbria University discovered blackcurrants could enhance your mood, boost energy levels and even combat symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease and depression.
Blackcurrants on a stalk
GETTY- Blackcurrants are linked to reducing depression and even Parkinson's disease
Impressive for a berry most of us associate with squashes and cordials, right?

By incorporating blackcurrants and other deep purple foods into your diet, it's said to enabling the human body to protect itself against a wide array of diseases and infections and fight back when under attack.

British blackcurrants are grown and bred especially for their high level of anthocyanins, which gives them their deep purple colour, and helps to ward off a multitude of different illnesses, from the common cold to cystitis.

Whilst they can only be found fresh during the season, which starts mid-June in Britain and lasts until the end of August, their health benefits can be reaped all year round in the form of blackcurrant juices, cordials, yoghurts and frozen fruit.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Diabetes Breakthrough.

New diabetes breakthrough: Food experts find key to halting the disease 'epidemic'

BRITAIN’S diabetes epidemic could be brought to a halt by a new way of making everyday foods healthier, research suggests.