Sunday, 31 January 2016

Improve Your Gut Flora (Bacteria)

10 Ways to Cultivate Good Gut Bacteria and Reduce Depression

Published Jul 16, 2015
We are all born with genes that predispose us to all kinds of things — in my case, most of the
psychiatric illnesses listed in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition).
And while we have some control over the way our genes express themselves or “turn on” — a new science called epigenetics — we are more or less stuck with our human genome. But we are by no means permanently attached to a diagnosis of Major Depression Disorder (if that is what Mom and Dad kindly handed down).
Each of us also has a complex collection of bacteria living in our guts — our distinct microbiome — that also has genes. And THOSE genes we can maneuverer in any way we want.

In their book The Good Gut: Taking Control of Your Weight, Your Mood, and Your Long-Term Health, Stanford University scientists Justin and Erica Sonnenburg write:
Since there is much we can do to shape the environment within our guts, we have control over our microbiota and can compensate for the lack of control we have over our human genome. Our microbiome contains one hundred times more genes than our human genome, so in fact there is about 99 per cent of associated genetic material that we have the potential to mould in ways that are beneficial to us.

If you doubt the connection between your mood and the critters in your gut, you must read Peter Andrey Smith’s recent piece in the New York Times called Can the Bacteria in Your Gut Explain Your Mood? Not to ruin the suspense, but considering all the optimistic studies Smith includes, the answer is a resounding YES.

Of course, I’m sold on the research because, in the last 18 months, I have conducted my own gut experiment: eliminating sugar, gluten, dairy, and caffeine; drinking at least one kale smoothie a day; breaking up with my favorite pastime of swimming (chlorine kills good bacteria); taking probiotics and coconut oil; and working with a gastrointestinal doctor on reversing SIBO (small intestine bacteria overgrowth) and treating inflammatory bowel disease.

The result is that I haven’t had death thoughts in many months, and I’ve been able to wean off two of my psych meds. Since I have spent a considerable chunk of my free time reading up on gut health as of late, I thought I would summarize for you some ways you can cultivate good bacteria, which translates to a more stable, more resilient mood.

1. Cut Out Sugar and Processed Foods

Findings from a new study at Oregon State University found that a diet high in sugar caused changes in the gut bacteria of mice, impairing the mice’s ability to adjust to changing situations, called “cognitive flexibility.” The change in gut bacteria also negatively affected the mice’s long-term and short-term memory.
In this study, which was just published in the journal Neuroscience, the performance of mice on various tests of mental and physical function began to drop just four weeks after being fed a diet high in fat and sugar. Monosaccharides, the simplest carbohydrates containing a single molecule of glucose and fructose (a piece of Wonder bread), disrupt a healthy microbial balance because they are digested very easily by us and absorbed into our small intestine without any help from our microbes. That leaves our gut bugs hungry, with nothing to munch on, so they begin nibbling on the mucus lining of our intestines — which is meant to be a strong barrier between the gut and the rest of the body. When the wall of the intestine is permeated, particles of food enter the bloodstream, and our immune system alerts our brain and other organs to the attack, causing inflammation in various parts of our body. Sugar also feeds organisms like Candida Albican, a kind of fungus that grows in the gut and attacks the intestine wall. These stringy-looking dudes need carbon-based compounds (sugars) to multiply like Gremlins, and when they do, people will start asking you if you’re pregnant — and you’ll feel like you need to up your antidepressant dose.

2. Eat More Plants and Dietary Fiber

Almost every gut expert I’ve read says that changing our diet is the best and most direct route we have for transforming our gut bacteria. They differ on whether or not to include fruits or grains (David Perlmutter, MD, for example, is against grains and says to limit fruit, while the Sonnenburgs promote grains like brown rice and fruit); however, the opinions are unequivocal on eating more plants — especially green leafy vegetables.
By eating more plants, we achieve and maintain microbiota diversity — which is going to lead to a clearer mind and happier disposition. Just as sugar is processed too easily and therefore starves our microbes, dietary fiber, or MACs (microbiota accessible carbohydrates) — a term the Sonnenburgs use throughout their book — give our little guys plenty to feast on. Consuming plenty of MACs (the Sonnenburgs suggest eating 33 to 39 grams of dietary fiber a day) will not only keep our intestinal lining intact, but it will also help us sustain a more varied collection of bacteria, which is paramount to good health.

3. Limit Antibiotics

My dad died at age 56 of pneumonia. Therefore, I know we can’t afford not to use antibiotics at certain points in our lives. But regular antibiotic use kills the diverse community of our microbiota, and therefore wreaks more health hazards than we could have ever imagined when penicillin was first discovered. Broad-spectrum antibiotics don’t discern between what’s beneficial for our health and what’s not: they hold rifles and start firing at whatever comes into their view — some of the collateral damage being strains of bacteria we need to fight other infections. American children are typically prescribed one course of antibiotics a year. The Sonneburgs claim that amount is enough to permanently change children’s microbiota and affect their long-term health. I believe that one of the things that has contributed to my depression in the last four years — and what set off the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that I now have — is being flooded with antibiotics when my appendix ruptured in 2011. A person with a healthy microbiota might have fared just fine. However, I went into surgery with a compromised gut, so it’s understandable why my symptoms of depression and anxiety would persist despite trying multiple medications.

4. Get Dirty

Our obsession with sanitization is making us sick. Ironic? The Sonnenburgs cite a May 2013 study published in the journal Pediatrics that found that children whose parents cleaned their dirty pacifier by sucking on it instead of boiling it in water were less likely to have eczema than the kids of the sanitization freaks. Two years ago, a team of scientists discovered why children who grow up in homes with a dog have a lower risk of developing allergies and asthma — they help diversify the microbiome community, of course. The study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows that dog ownership is associated with a kind of house dust that exposes us to important strains of bacteria, like Lactobacillus. I believe it, based on the substantial dust and hairballs that used to grace every corner of our home when we had two Lab-Chow dogs. Soil, especially, has wonderful healing elements that we need. Gardening or weeding can serve as a way of boosting our immune systems.
Most of the gut experts say we ought to be picky about the household cleaners we use to disinfect our homes. Most of them are like antibiotics: they obliterate everything, which includes some of the helpful bacteria we need to stay sane. The Sonnenburgs suggest using less toxic cleaners such as vinegar, castile soap, and lemon juice. Limiting our exposure to such chemicals as chlorine can help protect our health as well. If you’re a swimmer with gut issues, like I was, you might want to think about swapping the activity with a more microbiome-promoting exercise such as yoga. And avoid antibacterial soaps and alcohol-based sanitizers if you can.

5. Take a Probiotic

In December 2013, Sarkis Mazmanian, PhD, a microbiologist at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, led a study where he discovered that mice with some features of autism had much lower levels of a common gut bacterium called Bacteroides fragilis than did normal mice. They were stressed, antisocial, and had the same gastrointestinal symptoms often found in autism. Interestingly enough, when the scientists fed the mice B. fragilis (in a probiotic), they reversed their symptoms. In an April 2015 study in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, researchers in the Netherlands provided a multispecies probiotic to 20 healthy individuals without mood disorders for a four-week period, and a placebo to 20 other participants. According to the abstract:
Compared to participants who received the placebo intervention, participants who received the four-week multispecies probiotics intervention showed a significantly reduced overall cognitive reactivity to sad mood, which was largely accounted for by reduced rumination and aggressive thoughts.
But which probiotic do you take? Even the selection at Trader Joe’s is dizzying. Every expert I’ve read has been hesitant to throw out specific brands and types, because every person’s microbiome is unique and benefits from different strains of bacteria. Dr. Perlmutter encourages people to seek probiotics that contain the following species: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus brevis, Bifidobacterium lactis (B. animalis), and Bifidobacterium longum. I think it’s important to consider shelf life and not get a brand that is required to be refrigerated, because I tend not to trust the manufacturers on making sure the bottle was below a certain temperature before getting to me.

6. Try Fermented Foods

Fermented food is the best kind of probiotic you can feed your gut, because it typically provides a broad combination of bacteria — so chances are greater that you’ll get a useful bacteria. Fermentation is by no means a new health movement. People were fermenting food more than 8,000 years ago. In fact, only recently — since the invention of the refrigerator — have we not placed a priority on consuming fermented foods, which may be part of the reason we have less of a diversity of gut bugs than we used to. One of the easiest, most common fermented products is yogurt (but make sure it is unsweetened). Other examples are kefir, kimchee, sauerkraut, pickles, and kombucha tea. Note: Be careful about alcohol content in some fermented drinks. I didn’t realize that certain kombucha teas and kefir can have a higher alcoholic percentage than beer — a problem for a
recovering alcoholic.

7. Lower Stress

When you feel stressed, your body will discharge natural steroids and adrenaline, and your immune system will release inflammatory cytokines. This happens whether the threat is real (a bear is approaching your tent in the woods) or not (you can’t stop obsessing about all of your work deadlines). If you tend to be stressed all the time, your immune response never stops sending inflammation messages to all parts of your body — your gut bugs included. The microbiome helps keep our immune system in check. The pair (intestinal bacteria and our immune response) work very closely together to make sure that foreign agents are evacuated as soon as possible, and that we respond to disease more quickly than the IRS responds to our questions about tax returns. However, chronic immune response weakens the health of our guts, just as an unbalanced microbiome causes all kinds of immune diseases (autoimmune disorders, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease). So part of healing your gut — or at least keeping your microbiome vital and diverse — is learning how to chill out.

8. Get Consistent Sleep

This is interesting. Cytokines — or inflammatory messengers — have circadian cycles that are dictated by our gut critters. In his book Brain Maker, Perlmutter explains:
When cortisol levels go up in the morning, the gut bacteria inhibit production of cytokines, and this shift defines the transition between non-REM and REM sleep. Hence, disruption of the gut bacteria can have significant negative effects on sleep and circadian rhythms. Balance the gut, break through insomnia.
The opposite is also true. We balance our guts by practicing good sleep hygiene and getting as close to eight hours of sleep a night as we can. A May 2014 study published in the journal PLOS ONE “demonstrated that circadian disorganization can impact intestinal microbiota which may have implications for inflammatory diseases.”

9. Sweat

Our gut bugs just don’t like for us to be lazy; they are much happier when we get an aerobic workout. A team of scientists from the University College Cork in Ireland studied the poop of 40 professional rugby players. The results showed that the athletes’ microbiomes were far more diverse than those of two control groups of normal people. In a May 2013 control study published in the journal PLOS ONE, 40 rats were assigned to one of four experimental groups: two with free access to exercise, and two with no access to exercise. A significant increase in the number of the bacteria Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and B. coccoides–E. rectale group was found in the micriobiota of rats with access to exercise. In other studies, as well, it appears that exercise induces changes in the gut microbiota that are different than, say, diet. “Several physiological changes that result from exercise, such as increasing intestinal transit time (or flow rate) through the gut, influencing metabolism, and altering immune function, are known to affect the microbiota,” the Sonnenburgs explain in their book.

10. Consume Less Red Meat and Animal Products

In an April 2013 study published in the journal Nature, Harvard scientists had a group of nine volunteers go on two extreme diets. First, they ate all meat and cheese. Breakfast consisted of eggs and bacon, lunch was ribs, and for dinner they ate salami and prosciutto with different kinds of cheese. They had pork rinds for snacks. After a break, they began a fiber-rich diet in which all of their foods came from plants. The scientists tracked the changes in the volunteers’ microbiomes, and within two days of eating the animal diet, the bacteria species in the gut changed. They produced more of the microbe Bilophila, which has been found to cause inflammation and intestinal diseases in mice. According to the researchers, after about three days on the diet, the volunteers’ behavior began to be affected by the change in microbiota. “The microbiota of omnivores, compared to that of vegetarians and vegans, produces more of a chemical that is associated with heart disease,” explain the Sonnenburgs. “That compound, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), is a product of the microbiota metabolizing a chemical abundant in red meat.”

Weight Loss Supplements - What is the Truth?

Truth About XLS Medical: Reviews, Ingredients And Side Effects

A new product that is getting popular is called XLS Medical. It enables its user to increase up to three times the regular weight loss accomplished from dieting alone while maintaining its natural origin. What is more, it has been proven effective in clinical testing as well. The usual dosage is three pills that are taken twice each day.
It is crucial to follow dosing instructions properly and to never take more than six pills in a 24-hour period. To get the best results, the user must maintain a healthy diet and watch food intake and be sure to eat well balanced meals. Decreasing caloric intake is also extremely beneficial for your fat loss efforts.

How Does it Help You Lose Fat?

XLS Medical Package
It is a weight loss tablet that is made from all natural substances. Due to this fact it does not interfere with the natural processes of yours body. These weight loss pills work best in conjunction with healthy dieting as this combination leads to better and faster effects. They enable the dieter to satisfy their hunger while shedding pounds with the product’s perfectly balanced dieting plan that provides for three meals a day.
How Does it Help You Lose Fat?

It works as a fat binder. That means it binds fat molecules from the food you consume and then prevents their absorption by your body. By not absorbing the fat, your body will not store those additional calories and hence you will not gain weight. It is that simple.
This product worked for me! I stuck by the instructions! And the dosage ! I have now managed to loose half a stone ! I would recommend this product –
Storage of fat from your food is one of the leading causes of weight gain so the fat binder works against that problem. However, using this product does not give you the right to go out and consume as much fat as you want. Instead, you should consume a healthy diet as this will also assist with your fat loss efforts and help you get back on the track to living healthy life.
In other words the pill interacts with the fat to form a fat fiber complex that is too large to make its way through the small intestine’s wall. It is then eliminated from your body naturally through excrement. However, you have to drink adequate amounts of water to prevent constipation.

If you are considering this pill, odds are you want to know what it contains:
  • Litramine: This substance plays main role of this product. It is clinically proven that litramine binds to dietary fats without harmful side effects on your body. More on it here:
  • Vitamin A, D & E: These are other crucial substances included within these pills.
  • Cactus Leaves: This product is actually derived from cactus leaves, which are known to be gentle on body systems and which have been proven as effective help with fat loss.
Side Effects Of This Weight Loss Product

If you want to get this pill, you need to know if there are any side effects related to this pill. According to the manufacturer, since it is from an organic plant source, it is natural and usually well tolerated by the body.
XLS Medical Side Effects
Because it contains a fat binder, it is categorized such as Medical Device Class IIb, which ensures that it has gone through the proper efficacy and safety testing. What is more, it can be purchased over the counter and does not require a prescription.
  • Constipation: Because it does contain significant amounts of fiber, some users could suffer from constipation if enough water is not consumed.
  • Stomach Pain/Flatulence: There have been a few very rare cases of flatulence or stomach pain reported. Because it is an all natural made, it should be gentle on yours digestive tract. Therefore, another positive aspect of use of the product is that it should not cause irritation to the digestive system and it should not result in allergic reactions, such as rashes or itching.
Proper Dosage And Use

The recommendation is to never exceed more than six pills per day. In addition, the Medical Device Directive suggests a rest period when you will not use this medication that lasts three to five days after every 30 days of consumption.
In addition, it should not be used by anyone younger than 18. Anyone younger than that who needs to lose some pounds should see a professional. Also the product should not be used by anyone who has a body mass index (BMI) that is lower than 18.
User Experience

XLS Medical has numerous positive reviews. Literally hundreds of users have claimed that they have experienced significant weight loss after having used this product. In addition, many users have claimed to experience no side effects or negative results while using it.
Even clinical studies have indicated that this product is effective and has a high success rate. Many doctors are also endorsing it for safe, effective weight loss. Some users have presented that they feel different and can tell the product is working as soon as two weeks after beginning taking these pills. Others have noted weight loss as soon as 30 days after getting on board with the program.
Getting The Best Results

According to users and the manufacturer, there are three simple steps to follow to ensure you will experience the best results possible.
  1. ExercisingDosing: Follow dosing instructions and take six tablets each day. Some recommend taking three tablets twice each day, once in the morning and the other one in the evening. Others recommend taking two tablets with each meal for a total of three times per day. Whichever you choose, do not exceed six tablets per day.
  2. Lifestyle: The next step is to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. This means to eat the right foods and ensure that your body gets all nutrients it needs. What is more, everyone should have an exercise program in place that fits their needs, abilities, and health. Although it is proven to be effective, you have to keep in mind that it is not a miracle pill and it does not work without maintaining physical activity and good eating habits.
  3. Water: And, last but not least, make sure that you consume an adequate amount of water each day. Because of the high fiber content in the tablets, one can easily become constipated. Water consumption prevents constipation and helps keep the body systems operating smoothly.

How Much Does It Cost?

If you are considering to lose weight with this diet pill you probably are interested in learning more about its cost. Surprisingly, this product is actually quite affordable. Sold in boxes of 180 tablets, the price average is around 35 British pounds per box. That breaks down to 18 or 19 cents per tablet. So for a day’s dose of six pills, the cost would be between a dollar and a dollar and a half. That is not so bad.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Get Some More ZZZZZZZssss

Want to get fit for 2016? A lack of THIS could be making YOU overweight

LACK of sleep could be what stands between you and a flat stomach this year, according to new research.

Lack of sleep
A lack of sleep could be making you fat, according to a new study
One in three Brits suffer from poor sleep and that may be affecting you in more ways than you realise. 
New research identifying impacts on appetite, emotional processing, and even reducing hand eye co ordination, has been revealed. 
According to the NHS, research has found those sleeping for fewer than seven hours a day are 30 per cent more likely to be obese, which is potentially linked to disruptions to the hormones controlling hunger and fullness.
Another study discovered people with 'fragmented sleep' had higher after-dinner desires, shifted insulin concentrations and lowered fullness scores. 
Lack of sleep
It's believed the less you sleep, the less you exercise and the MORE you eat
And studies of adults at risk of type 2 diabetes found sleep restriction reduces the amount - and intensity - of any exercise completed. 
When the sleep of participants was reduced, it was found they did less exercise and were generally more 'sedentary' than usual. 
This suggests poor sleep could lead to increased food intake and snacking. 
Research also found disturbed sleep impacts on cognitive function - impairments to memory, attention and alertness were all affected. 
Top tips for sleep
If you’re struggling with poor sleep, why not try some lifestyle changes - you might find a good night’s sleep a lot less elusive.
  • Having a consistent sleep routine is important for good ‘sleep hygiene’. Aim to go to bed at the same time every night and get up at the same time each morning- even at the weekend. It might seem like you need a lie in to make up for the sleep you have missed, but to break a cycle of sleeping problems you need to train your body into a good sleeping pattern. Introducing a relaxation or ‘wind down’ hour before bed should also be helpful.
  • Valerian root extract has been used for centuries as a trusted sleep aid due to its natural sedative effect. This soothing ingredient can be found in Kalms Night tablets (, to relieve sleeplessness. Drift off to sleep peacefully and wake up ready to face the day.
  • Replace caffeine and alcohol with hot milky drinks. Alcohol won’t help you sleep properly and can reduce the quality of sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant and best avoided if you are struggling with poor sleep, as it can be present in the system for four to five hours before wearing off. If you are having trouble cutting out caffeine, try to gradually reduce your intake and avoid drinking it during the afternoon and evening.
  • Time vigorous exercise for the morning. High intensity exercise at night can make you more awake and mean you find it harder to get to sleep, however a relaxing activity such as yoga in the evening may be helpful for sleep. Maintaining an active lifestyle and regular exercise earlier in the day should help sleep quality overall.
  • Make your bedroom a shrine to sleep. Ensure you have a comfortable bed and pillows and aren’t disturbed by excess noise or light.  Also avoid using smart phones and tablets or watching TV before bedtime as the light they emit can be disruptive for sleep. If your bedroom is too hot or cold, this may also affect you drifting off or disturb your sleep during the night.
If you try to address your sleeping problems but your symptoms persist beyond 3-4 weeks, you should consult a doctor to check whether there may be an underlying cause for your sleep problems.



Friday, 22 January 2016

KATY HEARN - Personal Trainer & Fitness Model: Total Body Workout to Build Muscle

Top Personal Trainer & Fitness Model, shares some insightful tips on how to gain muscle and burn fat in the process. - Well worth a watch!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

'Slimmer Waists Help British Couple Escape Tunisa Terror Attacks

British couple escaped Tunisia terrorist DEATH 'because of slimmer waists'

Weight loss Tunisia
Lee and Anne Turnock fled the ISIS terrorist on a Tunisian beach last year. It was an attack that claimed the lives of 38 innocent people sunbathing on a beach - 30 of those were British. 
Brits abroad Lee and Anne have claimed they were only able to get to safety because they had lost weight before their holiday.
The pair, from Staffs, were both clinically obese before they started dieting back in May. 
Paramedic Anne, 28, tipped the scales at 19st 4lb, and struggled to squeeze into a size 24 dress - while husband Lee weighed almost 19st and needed an XXL t shirt.
Weight loss Tunisia
Lee, 29, has spoken out about the scary experience, and is a firm believer in his weight loss having saved his life. 
He said: "It was an absolutely horrific experience and not one I'd want to repeat. I have never been so scared in my life.
"There's no doubt that if we'd both been packing the extra pounds we would have struggled to run as fast as we did. We were only a few metres from the beach where the terrorist was shooting. 
"I'd never run up five flights of stairs before and I didn't even know I could."
He added: "Any time I felt like giving in, I just thought back to running up those stairs and knew I should stick at it." 
Weight loss Tunisia
Anne said: "It was only the third day of our holiday and I wanted to go and sunbathe on the beach, but Lee had a blister on his foot and didn't want to get sand in it, so we stayed by the pool.
"I'd been reading my kindle and had just leant down to put it away when I heard banging. I didn't really think anything of it at first, I thought it was fireworks. but it kept coming.
"I turned round and saw a woman behind me dive under her deckchair, and saw people running from the beach. Lee just looked at me, grabbed my hand, and said: "run".
"I didn't even know I could run, but we just went as fast as we could into the nearest building, a hotel. We were trying to help other people too, who were old or infirm, but it was just complete chaos."
She added: "We ran up to the first floor, but the corridor at the top of the stairs was a dead end.
"We ran up four more flights of stairs, and then someone in a room pulled us in - they were a British family and there were about 10 of us hiding in the room. 
Weight loss Tunisia
"We barricaded ourselves in and tried to get information about what was happening from our relatives back home.
"After a couple of hours, we were told it was safe to come out, and we were put back on a plane home within hours."
When the couple arrived back home, they continued to follow the diet plan - and 6ft 3in Lee has become a Cambridge consultant after hitting his target weight of 14st.
Anne has also slimmed to 15st, and a size 14 - and when she reaches her own target weight, she also hopes to become a consultant and inspire other people to lose weight with her story.
She added: "The whole thing has changed our outlook on life. We're both lucky to be here, and I want to make the most of every moment." 
  • BREAKFAST: Nothing LUNCH: Four rounds of sandwiches, chocolate bar, packet of crisps, can of fizzy pop SNACK: Flapjack and more fizzy pop DINNER: Takeaway or lasagne with four rounds of bread and butter, plus pudding every night.
  • BREAKFAST: Shredded wheat LUNCH: Light salad and piece of fruit DINNER: Fish, jacket potato and vegetables 



Monday, 18 January 2016

Weird Weight Loss Method of Khloe Kardashian

Khloé Kardashian Is a Fan of a Pretty Weird Weight-Loss Method



While promoting her upcoming talk show Kocktails with Khloé on FYI, Khloé Kardashian sat down with Yahoo Style's Joe Zee to chat about her body image, sibling competitiveness, and some . . . questionable weight-loss methods.

In the new episode of I Yahoo'd Myself, Khloé admits that she never saw herself as "the fat one," although she was continually regarded as such. In an extended feature for the website, she said, "Before the show, I always felt really good in my own skin but people called me 'the fat one,' so I would almost beat them to the punch.

In interviews I was like, 'I know I'm the funny fat one.'" She added, "I always thought I had a pretty normal body — I could have lost weight six years ago; I could have done all of that. I don't want to do something for somebody else."

Now Khloé's getting seriously fit on her own accord — check out her full-body workout for yourself — and it's given her a refreshing perspective on body confidence. Khloé said, "It really comes from loving yourself from within. If Instagram were to take a picture of your soul, what would that look like? I know my soul is beautiful. I know I'm a good person — but that came from fat Khloé and that's going to come from skinny Khloé."

While we applaud her advice, Khloé also dished on some of her more unconventional weight-loss practices — which we don't recommend — like waist trainers and sauna suits. Khloé has been a fan of waist trainers for quite some time and frequently promotes them on Instagram.

Comparing a sauna suit to Missy Elliott's garb in her music video for "The Rain," she explained, "It's basically like you're wearing a black garbage bag, and if you're just doing cardio, you'll burn double the calories. I'll do that at Equinox and people think I'm nuts


Saturday, 16 January 2016

For People who Live to Eat!!

12 Weight Loss Tips That Have Nothing To Do With Giving Up Food

For people who live to eat.



Life's short and food is glorious. 
If you're trying to hit weight loss goals in the new year, you may have decided all those tantalizing office snacks and dinners out are off the table. But luckily, losing weight doesn't have to require giving up your favorite foods. Often, just a slight tweak to your environment or behavior, rather than changing the actual menu, is all it takes. 
Check out the 12 tips below, which can help you stay on top of both your food bucket

1. Eat off a Plate, not out of the bag.

Seeing is believing, so it's important for portion control that you see how much of a snack you're ingesting before you dive in. Otherwise, you could consume way more than you mean to. If you're truly devoted, you might divide a snack into individual portions even before you get munching (store the rest for later in sealable plastic bags). This'll help you stick to one serving.


2. Make that plate a small plate.

Many studies have examined if eating from a smaller plate helps people consume fewer calories. According to a recent analysis published in the Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, reducing plate diameter by 30 percentreduces the amount of food eaten by 30 percent. Simply changing the size of the plate from which you serve yourself could help you cut calories. Pretty cool. 
Image result for small plate diet

3. And a blue one.

This suggestion is based off a series of studies that found when a food's color contrasted with the plate on which it was was served, fewer calories were consumed. In one experiment, researchers found that people ate more spaghetti and marinara sauce when it was served on a red plate that matched the sauce than when it was served on a white one. The contrast, according to the scientists, makes the portion appear larger. Experts often recommend blue because not many foods are blue, but if blue doesn't fit in with your kitchen decor, fear not. To put this trick to work, just make sure your plate doesn't match the color of your 

4. Drink out of a tall, skinny glass.

 Cocktails may look fancy served in a short, wide glass, but that may prompt an over-pour of calories. One study found that people pour 30 percent more liquid into short glasses compared to tall, skinny glasses of the same volume, overestimating how much they're really pouring. With that big pour, your also getting 30 percent more calories.

5. Skip the commercials.

Seeing food on TV will make you want food in your belly. Research published in Health Psychology examined the effect of food-based television advertisements and concluded the impact was big: Exposure to food advertisements caused people watching TV to snack more. The snackers were not necessarily driven to eat the product being promoted, but snack food in general. Similarly, watching cooking shows for recipe inspiration has been linked with a greater risk for obesity. Switch off "Top Chef" and record your favorite shows -- thereby gaining the power to fast forward through ads -- to defeat TV's almighty power to induce hunger.

6. Hide your junk food.

Out of sight, out of mind. Just as seeing food on TV induces cravings, not seeing food may help reduce them. One experiment published in the International Journal of Obesity found that office workers ate fewer candies from a bowl when the bowl was opaque or covered compared to when it was clear. You can implement this trick at home by putting your junk food in colored containers or placing it behind healthier options in the pantry.

7. And put your healthy food in plain sight.

Organize your fridge like a mullet: Business in the front, party in the back. The office candy bowl study found that when food was more visible and accessible, people tended to eat more of it. And in a separate study, researchers compared the consumption of apples and popcorn based on proximity, finding that people ate more of whichever offering was closer. Replacing the candy bowl with nutritious foods like fruit, and get your better offerings front and center. 

8. Chew, for goodness' sake.

 This is a simple one: Make a point to chew your food well rather than slug it down. Chewing will make you eat your meal more slowly, which research shows will make you ingest fewer calories. Taking time to chew your meal gives your body more time to register fullness, so you can stop when you feel full rather than when you're stuffed.

9. Get some sleep.

When in doubt, sleep. Sleep appears to be a miracle solution for ailments across the board: It can boost your mood, improve your performance at work and even hamper headaches. Extensive research has shown that people who sleep fewer hours are more likely to be overweight. When you're running on empty, you feel hungrier than you would with quality rest.

10. Play Tetris.

If you've got a food craving, treat yourself to a good old-fashioned game of Tetris rather than attempting to "wait it out." A 2014 study revealed that visual-based tasks like playing a game decreases feelings of cravings (Angry Birds will probably work, too). Researchers say much of a craving is image-based, so distracting your mind with something else that is visual can minimize the strength of a craving.

11. Stop wearing sweats.

"Wearing stylish clothing that makes you feel attractive -- as opposed to comfy sweats and lounge wear that hide your body -- will encourage you to eat in a way that shows you care about your appearance and your body,” clinical psychologist Katie Rickel told Dressing the part can serve as a good reminder of your goals.

12. Take the proverbial chill pill.

Chronic stress can be a major cause of weight gain, so it's in your best interest to relax a little. Pinpoint the root of your stress and address it: Consider talking your problems out with a friend or therapist, and be proactive about mitigating them. You might consider participating in some stress-reducing activities: Deep-breathing, yoga, listening to music and taking a nap have all been shown to help calm nerves.